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Covid-19 Policies

Updated February 2021

We’ve recently realized that we have not done a great job of updating everyone of the Covid-19 policies and procedures we have in place.  And although things have not changed extensively since last March, we thought we should let you know just exactly what we are doing to keep you, our clients, and our staff safe. 

1.  Diligent personal hygiene with hand-washing being required upon entry to the building, after changing/removing clothes in addition to the standard hand-washing practices:  before and after eating, after the use of the bathroom, between items during food preparation.  

2.  All cell phones are sanitized upon entry to the kitchen and kept off surfaces.  

3.  Face masks are worn at all times.

4.  Daily health questionnaire and temperature-taking upon arrival at work.

5.  Outlining our expectations to staff regarding reporting for work if they – or a member of their family – is experiencing Covid-like symptoms.

6.  Spread the work hours over 2 shifts (day & night) to reduce the number of staff on the premises at any time to allow for social distancing. 


7.  Only essential visits are permitted in our shop (workers, delivery and repair personnel).  All pick ups are contactless. Please call us upon arrival and one of our team members will bring the foods to your trunk.  If you do not have a phone, we will come up with an alternative means to assist you once we arrive.

8.  All food deliveries will be contactless with all boxes being left outside the house or at inside the front lobby of a condo or apartment before the client is called to gather them. All boxes are single use and single use gloves will be used for each individual delivery.

9.  Closely monitoring both the Ontario and Toronto Public Health unit regulations and recommendations to best assist our clients with their event-planning.

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