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Our COVID-19 Policy

Our clients, employee’s and workers’ health is our greatest priority. At kitchen/office level, Yorkshire Pudding put into place measures to protect the health and safety of of our stakeholders as of Thursday March 12. Thankfully, we work in a very closed shop/private environment with few employees so can control to a large degree the spread of viruses. We have now expanded those measures and invite both existing and potential new clients to review our procedures to rest assured we are taking matters very seriously and that our foods are being handled with great care. Below are the procedures we have in place:

1. Diligent personal hygiene with hand-washing being required upon entry to the building, after changing/ removing clothes in addition to the standard hand-washing practices: before and after eating, after the use of the bathroom, between items during food preparation.

2. All cell phones are to be sanitized upon entry to the kitchen and kept off surfaces.

3. Washing all produce that is to be processed.

4. Outlining our expectations when reporting for work if they – or a member of their family – are experiencing flu-like symptoms. Special care will also be requested if employees – or a member of their family – have returned from travel to a location that is currently experiencing an outbreak.

5. Eliminating all non-essential visits to our kitchen. Any pick up of foods will be done in just outside our shop under our covered entryway. Please call us just prior to your arrival so that we may put the foods outside. If you do not have a phone, we will come up with an alternative means to assist you once we arrive.

6. All social events have been cancelled/postponed and we are only providing food delivery service at this time. All food deliveries will be contactless with all boxes being left outside before the client is called to gather them. All boxes are single use and single use gloves will be used for each individual delivery.

        7. UPDATED (March 23) – Spreading the work hours over 2 shifts (day and night) to reduce the number of staff on the premises at any time and allow workers to maintain an even safer distance.

        8. NEW (March 23) – All raw goods (produce, meats, etc) delivered outside where it is checked before being brought into the building.

        9. All our deliveries will be contactless. Foods will be left outside the door at a client’s home or inside the front lobby doors of a condo or apartment. Our drivers are wearing a new pair of single use gloves for each and every delivery.

       10. We are monitoring Health Canada’s website as well as the Ontario Ministry of Health website for updates, and will decide if our policies need to change or specific action needs to be taken to help mitigate risk. We will also be providing information on what to do if widespread quarantines are imposed. For all these reasons, we are not insisting kitchen/office employees self-isolate at this point in time.

This is a challenging time for the event business and we will hope the pandemic will be contained and resolved shortly. We will be in touch with any updates or changes to policies as soon as they become available.

Many thanks for your cooperation and understanding.

The YP Team

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